Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Porter, by Terry Foster

Brown beers have always been a favorite of me and mine, so I went ahead and got this book from my local homebrew supply shop to see if I could unlock the secrets of the Porter. Little did I realize how steeped in history this style of beer has become over the ages. The first 50 pages are what interested me the most - including an account of the development, disappearance, and subsequent revival of this tasty style, as well as notes on what makes a beer a porter in brewers terms. The next 50 pages will give you the standard "how to brew" chapter, and this is probably not the book to introduce you to homebrewing, but if you need a refresher it will work in a pinch. At the end you will find a 7 very tasty looking extract and all-grain recipes, with scaling up to a barrel-sized grain batch if that is the volume you are into. Finally there are some reviews of commercially available porters, and references for further readings on the style.

All-in-all an interesting read and just about any brewer could find a recipe to suit them or one that they could easily tweak into something that suited them within its pages.

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